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410 235-8303


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Grant Funding STILL Available - Baltimore County's Weekly Business Resource Update

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Grant Funding STILL Available - Baltimore County’s Weekly Business Resource Update

This week County Executive Olszewski announced actions in in response to Governor Hogan’s plans for the phased re-opening of the County.  ALSO - The Baltimore County Small Business Relief Grant is STILL OPEN and accepting applications.  Please share with your business and workforce networks:

Don’t miss out! Grant funds are still available and applying is easy.   Apply now!  Grant funds are still available for small businesses to receive up to $15,000 in COVID relief funds to help them make payroll and meet their operating expenses. The County has received applications for about half of the grant program capacity as of close of business on Thursday, May 14th. The streamlined online application process opened on Monday, May 11th.  The Department of Economic and Workforce Development administers the $10 million Baltimore County COVID-19 Small Business Relief Grants Program, which will award grants of up to $15,000 each to more than 650 Baltimore County-based small businesses, on a first-come, first-served basis, with a goal of awarding at least 25% of the funds to minority and women-owned businesses.  Here’s how to access the grant:

1 – Check if you meet the grant criteria, and review the terms of the COVID-19 Small Business Relief Grants Program and Frequently Asked Questions.
2 – Read the Application Instructions and Required Documents, to ensure that you have all of the information and documents you’ll need to apply. It is essential that you follow these grant instructions precisely in your application.
3 – Submit your application ASAP to have the best chance of receiving a grant.

SBA Provides “Safe Harbor” to PPP Loans under $2M

The U.S. Small Business Administration has offered new guidance on the Paycheck Protection Program that may ease the fears of some small businesses who were concerned of not being able to certify the need for funds.  The SBA disclosed in updated “frequently asked questions” guidance that any recipient of less than $2 million in loans will be deemed to have made the required certification concerning the necessity of the loan request in good faith.  Given the large volume of PPP loans, this approach will enable SBA to conserve its finite audit resources and focus its reviews on larger loans, where the compliance effort may yield higher returns.

REMINDER! Baltimore County Social Distancing and PPE

With the warmer weather coming this weekend, people will be excited to be out and about, and may need reminders to continue following social distancing and PPE mandates and guidance, especially with the gradual reopening of some businesses.
For Business owners: Consider placing signage at entrances and other locations reminding everyone of the need to wear a mask at all times. You could also station an employee near the entrance to ensure patrons have a mask and understand their obligation to wear it. If you need further information or guidance, refer to  Baltimore County’s Public Health Announcement.

Have Questions or Need Business Assistance from Baltimore County?
If you have questions or need business assistance, check out our website:  http://baltimorecountybusiness.com or email us at businesshelp@baltimorecountymd.gov.

For quick updates of all new and changing programs and resources for your business, follow our Baltimore County Department of Economic and Workforce Development Facebook Page.
