2423 Maryland Ave, Suite 200
Baltimore, MD 21218
410 235-8303

Bid TitleTeaming Opportunity: WSSC Water and Sewer Relocation BOA PM0007A20
End Date11/05/2020
Bid Description

Atkins North America, Inc. is requesting information from qualified MBE/SLBE Subcontractors and Subconsultants for WSSC RFQ 16530


Project: Water and Sewer Main Rehabilitation Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA)

Project Contract #: PM0007A20

Bid Date: Thursday, November 5, 2020


Project Details:  Seeking all services including but not limited to: engineering and design services, field investigation, inspection and testing, corrosion engineering, geotechnical engineering, surveying, subsurface utility engineering (SUE), cost estimating, and community outreach


We are an equal opportunity employer and intend to seriously negotiate with qualified MBEs/SLBEs for project participation. If you are interested in bidding on this work or know a qualified business that is, please contact the Audrey Mack at Audrey.Mack@atkinsglobal.com or (305) 514-3238.

The solicitation is available for review at the WSSC’s Suppliers Portal at https://www.wsscwater.com/supplier

We are requesting the following information:  


  • Project write ups
  • List of projects completed in the chart below with a check mark for requisite experience in the columns provided.
  • Resumes of staff proposed and recommended role that will support projects/tasks and experience with WSSC
  • Register http://supplier.na.atkinsglobal.com/supplierapplicationform/ if you are not already a registered supplier
  • We plan to secure sub-consulting roles for this team on Friday, October 23, 2020.  Please respond with the requested information by Wednesday , October 21, 2020.  We will be in touch to inform you of our determination based on the information you provide.


Special Instructions


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Post CategoryBIDS