2423 Maryland Ave, Suite 200
Baltimore, MD 21218
410 235-8303

Bid TitleHuntington Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) Vault Improvements
Organizer NameHoward County, Office of Procurement
Start Date01/06/2023
End Date02/22/2023
Bid Time11:00am
Bid Description

Howard County intends to procure the services of a construction firm to perform structural, mechanical, electrical and instrumentation improvements for the Huntington PRV vault at the intersection of Savage Guilford Road and Vollmerhausen Road. The project items may include, but are not limited to, demolition and removal of existing structural, mechanical, electrical, communication and, instrumentation and control components and installing new components, testing, site work, traffic maintenance during construction, coordination with other contractors, and miscellaneous appurtenances as shown on contract documents, and incidental items.

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