2423 Maryland Ave, Suite 200
Baltimore, MD 21218
410 235-8303

Bid TitlePotential Baltimore County Contracting Opportunity - Automatic Door Maintenance, Term Contract # B-1528
End Date07/14/2020
Bid Time2:30pm
Bid Description

Your contact information was obtained through either the Maryland Department of Transportation or Baltimore City MBE directories.  There are potential solicitations currently being advertised in your area of expertise.  You may download and review the entire solicitation packages at www.baltimorecountymd.gov/currentsolicitations.

Please direct all inquiries pertaining  to the advertisement to Buyer specified  in the solicitation.  For future notices please register at www.batltimorecountymd.gov/Purchase


Title:  Automatic Door Maintenance, Term Contract
RFB Number:   B-1528 (PDF)   Amendment 1 (PDF)
Description:  Baltimore County is soliciting services for all labor, materials, tools, equipment, supervision, and incidentals to perform preventative maintenance and bi-annual inspections of automatic doors to maintain the doors' in working order at all times at various County owned and/or operated facilities.
Bid Due Date/Time:  07/14/20, 2:30 p.m.
WebEx Pre-Bid/Pre-Proposal Conference:  06/25/20, 2:30 p.m., Contact buyer for WebEx information.
Buyer:  Gabby Johnson, 410-887-2241, gjohnson@baltimorecountymd.gov

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