2423 Maryland Ave, Suite 200
Baltimore, MD 21218
410 235-8303

Bid TitleRash Field Redevelopment For Baltimore City Certified Trades Only
Organizer NameJacob Dacey
End Date05/05/2020
Bid Time2:00pm
Bid Description

We are re-bidding the Rash Field project due to design changes. The scope of work for the project includes, but is not limited to, removal of existing surface features and vegetation, demolition, regrading, installation of new childrens play equipment, a pavilion structure, and overlook area.

This is a project that we have been awarded and the expected start date is 7/14/20.

There is a 27% MBE and 10% WBE participation goal for the project. MBE/WBE's participating have to be Baltimore City Certified.

For more details: Click here 
Special Instructions


United States
Map It
State / ProvinceMaryland
CountryUnited States
Bid Linkmwmca.org
Post CategoryBIDS
Phone(410) 337-5891
Organizer Description
